information about the phone number : 0842001138

The phone number 0842001138 is a special phone number in Switzerland, called a "shared-cost service number".

Shared-cost service numbers are phone numbers that are charged at a higher rate than normal phone numbers, usually to cover the costs associated with a special service or additional assistance.

The number 0842001138 is assigned to a company or organization that offers additional services or assistance to its customers and charges a higher rate for these services.

If you want to use the services of this company or organization, you may have to dial this phone number and agree to pay the additional rate.

It is important to note that shared-cost service numbers are not accessible from abroad.

If you are abroad and want to contact a company or organization in Switzerland through a shared-cost service number, you may have to use a normal phone number and pay the corresponding communication charges.

Make sure to check your phone operator's rates before calling to know the potential costs associated with this call.