information about the phone number : 0800001884

The phone number 0800001884 is a special phone number in Switzerland, called a "toll-free number".

Toll-free numbers are phone numbers that can be accessed from any landline or mobile phone in Switzerland and allow customers to contact a company or organization without incurring any communication charges.

The number 0800001884 is assigned to a company or organization that wants to offer a free means of contact to its customers.

If you want to contact this company or organization, you can do so by dialing this toll-free phone number from any phone in Switzerland.

It is important to note that toll-free numbers are not accessible from abroad.

If you are abroad and want to contact a company or organization in Switzerland through a toll-free number, you may have to use a normal phone number and pay the corresponding communication charges.

Make sure to check your phone operator's rates before calling to know the potential costs associated with this call.